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Thursday, March 24, 2011

I want to be like the crocus

I am dedicating this story to my cousin, Nancy V.  I had a lovely visit with her in Maryland last weekend and it was warm enough to take a nice walk.  As we strolled along, we talked about gardening, pruning, flowers, etc.  And then we came across some crocuses.  She told me this story about how there were a lot of crocuses in her yard that she wanted to remove.  She said she dug and dug and finally gave up because the roots were so deep.  And one year, they have a warmer-than-usual January and the crocuses came up only to be covered by snow for a few weeks.  When the snow melted, the crocuses were still there!  Some were a bit beaten up around the edges but for the most part they were fine.

Now I don't have a clue about plants and flowers.  So I was interested to hear about the heartiness of this little plant.  I thought about it for a while and decided that if I could be a flower, I'd like to be a crocus.  It's deep roots symbolize stability, strength, determination and perseverance.  Although on the surface it might look like a delicate flower, it is really quite strong.  And when buried by snow for a few weeks, it has the ability to survive relatively unscathed.

It was a reminder to me that just like those crocuses were tested by the snow, we too can feel buried by tests.  We need to be patient when we are going through our tests and trials like the crocus that patiently waits for the snow to melt.  It might take a while, but hopefully our "roots" are strong and allow us to come through and be stronger than before.

1 comment:

michelle francoeur said...

I like this, I have seen the crocus's do this. I have never thought about it this way......we share :) makes me start to think of vines......we are all connected and intertwined.