Just stand up! Headline Animator

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fall down 7 times - stand up 8!

Well, this is my first blog.  I've been wanting to start one for a while so here goes.  I named it "Just Stand Up!" after a Chinese proverb - "Fall down 7 times - stand up 8!"  This is pretty much my life philosophy. My life experience has taught me that it doesn't matter how many times you fall down - just make sure you get up. There are always going to be things in life that will bring you down. I have had my share - believe me! I hope to get into some of that here. If you have been, or are going through a tough time right now, this blog may be for you.  It won't be a downer.  I don't believe in the pity thing.  "Been there - done that - have the T shirt to prove it!" Life is a journey. Sometimes it's great, sometimes . . . not so much. But it's all to teach you something.  I have been fortunate that through my darkest times, I have had amazing teachers. Some were members of my own family, others were people I've met along the way. I hope this blog will inspire you and will be a nice place to share and learn together.


Lori said...

yay ~ I'm your first stalker, er...I mean follower <3

Karyn said...

Woo hoo! Thanks Lori!